Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reading time... with boys

I am working toward reading aloud more and more to my children — not just picture books — but classic stories. After reading The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise, I am seeing the benefits of limiting our TV time and increasing our reading time. There was a recent article in The New York Times that reiterates the importance of reading to your children. In my opinion, this study just reinforces what many parents already know: reading to your kids expands their vocabulary and imagination.
However, getting boys to sit still long enough for me to read to them took some initial creativity. It's no mystery that boys have tons of energy. They are constantly on the move. For me, I'm finding that making them sit still is harder and more difficult than catching a fruit fly. Thankfully, it seems that there are some ways to combat this unending motion.

Physical activity
To me, this is the most important factor. Give them plenty of opportunities to burn energy — both free play and mom-directed games. How? Get outside and play. Too cold or rainy? Set up an indoor obstacle course or foam puzzle squares. Put on silly music and lead them in dancing or jumping.

Regus2 and Regus1 showing their love of playing outside.
Continually reminding them (as they run past me) that there are times and places for running around. They are learning (some days slower than others) that it's not always a good time and place to run.

Running on low?
Fill up their "tanks" with love. I don't know if my Mom read this someplace or if it's her own terminology. But she's wisely taught me that each child has a tank that needs to be filled with love and attention. When they are being unruly, it means they are "running on fumes." I try not to let it get that low, but I can get distracted. Use a timer if you need it (works for me) to give them your undivided attention for 10 or 15 minutes at a time. They get into SO much less trouble, when they've had their "mommy time." They feel confident in my love that they don't need to seek out hazardous ways of getting me to pay attention to them. Oh, and Dads, don't forget that they have need "daddy time," too. Mommy can fill of up their tank, but that doesn't mean that Daddy can't fill it up, too. I've found that the same goes for grandparents.

Model Good Reading Habits
To me, reading a book is a luxury. I can get so wrapped up in the story that it becomes an guilty pleasure, and I feel as though I'm ignoring my household duties. As a result, I've kidded myself to think I shouldn't read my own books in front of my kids. However, I'm realizing now that my kids do need to see my love of reading. Now, we are dedicating several "quiet reading times" during the day. We set the timer for 15 minutes. (Yes, I think I have a timer addiction.) After the 15 minutes is over, the boys each can pick out one of the books they read (looked at the pictures), and we'll read them together.

During reading time
Before reading time starts, I offer them a toy (that doesn't make noises) to hold. I've found that the quiet toy gives them something to keep their minds and hands busy, so their legs don't have to keep moving. For hands-on learners this is very important. Despite what we've been often taught, hands-on learners can learn while holding and fidgeting with something. It helps them diffuse the extra energy in their bodies. And their minds are still very aware of what is going on around them. (I learned this from my younger brother's psychology professor and have tried it on my oldest. It's a miracle!!) A veteran homeschool mom suggested that I have toys that are just for reading time. This makes reading time special.

This year, moving on to books without many pictures has been interesting. I was reminded of my tricks to teach them to sit still for appropriate times. Before starting, I am careful to make sure they have had plenty of "mommy time." That way, they won't spend reading time trying to get my attention. The "quiet toy" is a big help, too. Our family rule is that they can play with the toy, but they can't make any sound effect. Remember, they ARE boys.

It took us at least a month of daily reading time (one chapter each time) before I started to see some interest in the story. At first, it almost felt futile. Finally, when we were finishing up The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, I noticed that the boys were really focusing on the story. They made me read two chapters in a row because they didn't want to miss what happened to Aslan after the stone table broke.


When we were almost finished with the book, Regus2 (4 years old) saw how many pages we had read and how few were left. The sense of accomplishment in those precious eyes made every frustrating day worth it.

The day before we finished reading the last chapter, I found the other books in the Chronicles of Narnia series. The boys were SO excited, they wanted to start the next book then and there. I reminded them that they had just a little more left in the book before they could go on to the next. After we did finish the book, they immediately brought me the next one. So exciting!

I want to encourage moms of young children that you can find a balance to play and reading time... just go heavy on the play for now. Surround them with lots of books and opportunities to read, and they will grow to love it, too. I am also learning to enjoy each and every stage of my boys.

How do you encourage your kids in reading and listening to stories?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Desires of the Heart: Is It All About Me?

After taking some time off around the Holidays, I'm ready to find time to grow my blog this year. This blog is a journey, as I find how it fits in the amazing, powerful world of mommy bloggers and in my own life. Today, I'm sharing how I'm continuing to find my purpose in life. As Christians, we often struggle what our "purpose" is. I hope to share how I am finding my purpose in Him and through Him.

Over the past 7 years, I am continuing to be amazed with Psalm 37:4:
"Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." (NKJV)
As a child and teenager, this Scripture made me think that God was teaching me to have a "give and take relationship." Meaning, if you serve God, then He'll give you what you want. It was a very self-centered approach.

Shortly after getting married, I realized God meant something much bigger in this Scripture. The Strong's Concordance explains that delight means: "to be happy about, take exquisite delight; to be of dainty habit, be pampered." Wow... that's a new perspective. Pamper yourself in the Lord? Now, that sounds awesome to me. That sounds like we should enjoy serving Him, or at least that He wants to have a good time with us. Plus, the last part has given especially new meaning, in that He is the one to put the desires in my heart. Double wow!

I'll let that sink in for a moment. Or maybe that's just for me?

These ideas seem so contrary to our modern lives (mostly talking about myself). In my perspective of our society, one can be very self-serving. We go to school to get a diploma, strive in college for a degree, and embark into the wide-open world for our little corner or "slice" of The American Dream. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with striving for excellence. By all means, we should do everything heartily as unto the Lord. However, we aren't living our lives without any interaction with other people or circumstances. Life isn't just about ME. Our decisions and paths lead us into others' lives.

Who will I meet today that will help me see more of God? 

Will I be ready to share a smile with a stranger and, as a result, share God's love?

It's exciting to realize that as I bask in His strength (not my own) and His love, He is giving me the desires and ideas to do new things. 

As you know, I am a self-proclaimed nerd. As a little girl, I dreamt that I would be a ballerina or a teacher. As a teenager, I saw how tough teaching (as a profession) can be and decided that this passion for learning meant that I should be a life-long student. I almost went to grad school, but I nixed that when the dot-com bubble popped. Hubby and I both lost jobs and weren't about to go into more debt for school. I have been a ballet teacher off-and-on since that time. In addition, I used my degree in English to write training manuals and act as a trainer for the distribution-end of a publishing company. Up to this point, my love for learning was fulfilling but not finished. I don't think learning should ever stop, but that's another post entirely.

Becoming a Mom has helped solidify and clarify those desires. I am a teacher and guide to my children. I get to fuel my passion for learning, as I teach them and rediscover all the things I loved in school. As I'm studying more and more curriculum and homeschool methodologies, I find myself overly giddy at each new idea to share. While I know that I will hold the title of Mother for many more years, these early years of intense training will not always be. Today, I choose to cherish the short-lived days and am thankful for His desires. I am excited and nervous about each new day. 

I suppose it is only fitting, then, to end with the my boys' memory verse for the next few weeks. Philippians 4: 6: 
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."

What desires have you seen change or progress in your own life?