Friday, November 25, 2011

A Moment to Rest

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We had a great time at my in-laws. In the process of going over to my in-laws, I was left at home ALL.BY.MYSELF. because my food was still baking. It was one of those rare moments of quiet, with no responsibilites. The house was clean. The dishwasher was running. Yes, there was laundry to be folded.

What should I do with this free time? Fold laundry. declutter a drawer.

Nope. I turned on my "Favorites" playlist and sat on the couch to be thankful for the moment of quiet. 

It was a special moment of relaxation and overwhelming thankfulness. Even this morning, hubby took care of the boys so I could sleep a little longer. 

No, door-buster Black Friday deals here... unless you count a 4-yr old busting down the door to snuggle at 5am.

I am thankful for life where it is right now. I know that it will change (it's life, right?), so I am trying to savor each moment for what it is — a fleeting moment, a vapor.

This photo of me and the boys reminds me to enjoy those silly moments.
Source: my sis-in-law

I've enjoyed this week of thankfulness, hosted by Lil-Kid-Things. It's been great to read the other amazing bloggers share their touching stories and refreshing laughs. 


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