Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring time sewing ideas

I don't know if it is the fact that I dropped off my sewing machine for a cleaning or the fresh air we've been getting this week, but I am so anxious to get started on all the sewing projects that are swirling around in my head.

Here are a few of the fabrics calling to me:

Getting back into sewing has truly been one of those "Almost on Purpose" moments. My Mom patiently taught me the basics (reading patterns, cutting out fabric, and basic sewing) when I was a teenager, but I never really enjoyed it as much as she did.

Fast forward fifteen years... I started getting back into sewing because a friend was holding beginner sewing workshops. I fell back into sewing so easily. It was relaxing. Gone were the teenage nerves and desperation for perfection. It was replaced with the thrill of the journey and the joy of creating something out of almost nothing. It is in these moments that I'm thankful that my Mom persevered through my whining to teach me to sew.

So for spring, I want to make several more tea towel aprons as gifts. These were so much fun to make for Christmas gifts. I found the red and white tea towel (pictured above) at Target for $2, and it has been beckoning me to make an apron out of it. Plus, I found some lovely neutral fabrics to make more diaper wallets for baby gifts or clutches for fun.

Here's one of the tea towel aprons I made this Christmas:

Adding sewing to my list of hobbies has been interesting with two little boys. So far, they've enjoyed watching me sew. Duh, it has lots of moving parts. I just have to give them scrap fabric to cut because they have been known to "help" me cut out a pattern... albeit, Regus #2 cutting skills are still developing. Insert deep breath here. I do most of my work at night, but I end up doing some during the day. Hence, the need to keep them "involved" but not "contributing." As I find out what works (and subsequently what doesn't), I'll pass along any tips for keeping them occupied.

Not having my sewing machine right now is probably a blessing because I have so many other things going on right now. However, I love how sewing gets my mind off the other stresses. For now, my sewing projects will have to wait.

What hobbies have you picked up that you are surprised to enjoy?


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